
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dance Break: Foster the People

The days are crazy here. My mom says it’s like elephants flying around your head. You keep looking up, wondering which one will poop on you first.

I have some blog stuff coming up that I’m super excited about but for tonight, here’s the song that’s been stuck in my head. Listen to it once or twice and just TRY not to dance…

What song is stuck in your head?

love, elizabeth


  1. Is it weird that I started singing the song when I saw the title? SO catchy :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's been stuck in mine, too! At least it's a good one :) And the elephant line made me laugh out loud.

    life in the married lane - a little blog full of inspiration!

  4. Oh man, I love the beat and the sound of that song too! (o:

    I'm listening to christmas music right now so I have things stuck in my head like "Let it snow."

  5. I LOVE this song! And I've been searching for it. You saved me!

    Another great song in my head: "Pinned" by All Go Saints Machine. You'll love. :)


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