This is right across from one of the buildings where I teach.
The cafĂ© where I buy my morning Starbucks…
Obviously the caffeine hasn’t hit me, yet.
I teach in this building. Obviously, this is the closest I will ever come to actual engineering.
This is one of my classrooms. One of my students was nice enough to take a picture. And that's a quote from the beginning of Twelfth Night on the board behind me.
After class, I decided to take the scenic route and show you some of my favorite spots on campus. I don’t always have time to go the pretty way but thankfully, I did on Thursday!
Pretty old buildings that I never have any reason to visit.
There were hundreds of pinwheels on one of the South Oval lawns as a part of project to end child abuse. They were beautiful with the sun shining right on them.
I love this tree. And the eye painted on it.
My hands-down best-loved spot at the university, Mirror Lake. I sat here and ate my lunch and watched people feed the birds. Obviously, none of them read THIS sign:
I’m not going to say this is slightly overdramatic signage but…I’m thinking it. And for anyone who doesn’t already know where I go to school, here you go…
If you’re not familiar, football is kind of the only thing that matters here. Go Bucks. I considered that maybe the bloggingverse shouldn't know where I attend graduate school. But I go to school with 56,000 people. Good luck stalking me.
My mailbox in the grad corridor…
And the office where I hold hours…
The rec center (where people with great tan lines and big muscles like to work out)
Brutus the mascot dressed as a mime and The Phantom of the Opera.
Don’t laugh, he’s a very multi-faceted nut.
So this post was mostly pictures…hope you liked them!
I loved this post Elizabeth!! Some of my favorite types of posts are those where you get to see a typical day in someone else's life/what they see, etc. Great pictures!
When I win the lottery, I am going to become eccentric and put a bunch of giant numbers in the front yard. And then you will have to walk through them to come visit me, and everyone will know you are friends with the crazy lady.
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