Dear Readers,
Today I’m hosting an Easter post because Mommy is too lazy. I had a very confusing Easter, in case anyone is wondering. The ‘rents woke up at o’dark thirty to discuss the possibility of attending something called “a sunrise service.” I would just like to point out that it was raining bears and elephants outside (if you think cats and dogs don’t get along, you haven't seen bears and elephants together) and no one was going to be able to see the sun do any actual rising. Whatevs. No one asked for the dog’s opinion. Although, hilariously, Dad actually did use me as an excuse to go to the regular service. “Don’t want to leave Madigan alone too long,” he said and rolled over and went back to sleep. Thanks, Daddy-o. I’m feelin’ the love. Anyhoo, here’s the Easter wrap-up.
Mom and Dad dyed eggs. I was not involved. Translate: Scroll down to see more pictures of moi.
After the church service today and some kind of event having to do with eating (once again, I was not invited), they finally took me for a jaunt.
Also, I looked awesome thanks to my pimp Easter scarf from Aunt Zoey!
Daddy climbed on the jungle gym and was, in general, suuuuuuper lame.
Mommy wants me to post a picture of her in her Easter dress. Boooooooorrrrriiiiiiiing…
Oh, good. Me again.
So there you have it, folks. Easter was grand. Mommy walked around humming hymns all day and I got to go outside to sniff Dandelions. Life = Swell.
‘Til next time,
Madigan, your scarf is so very hip. You should give us all style tips.
Hahahahaa.. Oh, Madigan.
This was so cute Elizabeth! And these pictures are GREAT!! Love your up close shots of Madigan, and I love that one of you in your pretty dress. :) Hope you had a great Easter!!
Madigan, Judging by that big smile in the end, you had a great day. I'm happy for you. And it was swell of you to include the "rents in your blog. Now if anyone asks about them, I'll be able to act like I knew firsthand! :p
SO sweet :) HOPpy Easter, Madigan and Family!!
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