Monday, July 11, 2011

Someone's Got a Case of the Mondays...

You know you're an obsessive blogger if you manage to hit the snooze button 4 times before 7 am and still know what you're going to blog about by 7:08. And well, this post practically wrote itself.

Ever have one of those mornings where you think, I just don't want to face the world today? I don't want to be a grown-up today. I don't want to be brave today.

I really try not to be one of those girls who lives for the weekend. Really. I do. I am well-aware that living is in the everyday, in the hard work, in the mundane. But this morning...all I wanted to do was just crawl back under the covers and sleep until Friday. To make it that much harder, Madigan was indulging in an absolute snugglefest this morning. The second she realized I was (kind of) awake, she army crawled up to the pillow and cuddled up against my chest, tucking her little fuzzy head under my chin as if to say, 'Mommy, it's not really Monday. Let's go back to sleep.'

And I really, really wanted to.

Here are two songs that continue to make my Mondays more cheerful.So wherever this Monday takes you, wherever you are, your jammies or your cubicle, I hope you'll take the opportunity to DANCE your way through Monday and into your week.

What about you? What's making your Monday lovely?

love, elizabeth


Suget said...

To start my Mondays I turn up the country station and kinda dance to it. haha sometimes I get myself up early enough to at least jog for 30 min... hasn't happened recently, but I think I just might do it starting next monday haha

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said...

I TOTALLY understand how you feel. I usually don't get that feeling in bed, instead I get it in my work desk. I sit down and halfway through the day realize man, I really don't want to be here. (Then I feign illness and go home to sleep....just kidding!!)

My Monday is going good today because it started off with yummy Greek yogurt and berries. I sat outside and just savored eat bite. :)

Kelsey Cole said...

I definitely know how those monday mornings can feel! One thing that makes my monday lovely is planning a fun family night:) since it's just me and the husband right now, family night becomes date night! (and those are always nice).
lovely post:)

Ashley @ A Recipe for Sanity said...

My Monday kind of blew, actually...excuse my language. But having the pool at our apartment to myself today made my Monday much better! :) I didn't want to get out of bed and go to work this morning either!

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