I love blogging. I am always humbled to know that people take the time to read anything I write and to care a little about what’s going on in my life and I am so delighted to get to know all of you through your own blogs!
Many of my best blog friends are sponsor-friendly places and many are striving to be successful blogging and etsy businesses. That’s never really been the purpose of this blog and that’s okay. But sometimes I wish I could sponsor a few of the blogs I really, really love. Because, like many of you, I’m on a teeny-weeny budget, I can’t really afford to sponsor anyone.
And since I’ve decided not to sell ad space here, I’d like to offer a couple non-monetary ways to sponsor Love is the Adventure so that if you, too, are looking for cost-effective ways to gain readership or business, you have the opportunity to do that.
Ways to Sponsor:
Button Swap for December and January
If you’re interested in this option, just drop me an email and let me know! I’ll need the html code for your button and I’ll be happy to keep it in the sidebar through January 31st.
Sponsor a Giveaway
Do you have an Etsy site or business that you’d like to promote? I’m happy to advertise it if you’d like to give something away to readers! I’m happy to advertise your blog, your business, and/or your Twitter/Facebook feeds in a post and with a button.
If you’re interested, send me an email at loveisadventure@gmail.com and let’s chat about it! If you have another creative idea for blog exchange, I’d love to hear it.
Regardless, I love all of you. Thanks for sharing yourselves with me every day.
love, elizabeth