Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Your New Best Blog

Guys, you need to meet Amy. Amy blogs over at Sweet Home Santa Barbara and I am so happy to be featuring her this month!


Elizabeth: What makes you feel brave?

Amy:  I feel brave when I think about the tough times and heart ache that I have overcome. Knowing that God has gotten me through the hard things that I have already faced, makes me feel brave enough to face whatever is in my future.

Elizabeth: What adventure can you not wait to have?

Amy: I cannot wait to meet my future husband, and experience the adventure of falling in love together.

Elizabeth: Amy, tell us a story about yourself in six words.

Amy: I am oddly good at Limbo.

She wasn’t kidding.


Go visit, follow, and be sure to read some of Amy’s amazing posts, like this one on the need for perfection. It totally spoke to me.

love, elizabeth


Jessica said...

I found both of your blogs today, and I am so happy I did! :) That is some crazy good limbo! Haha.

Liz Brown said...

I think that is an awesome 6 word story, and a cool thing to be oddly good at.

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