Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Peaceful Home

One thing I’m learning is how connected a peaceful home is to a peaceful spirit. I do really love the way certain things in the house make me feel…the beautiful books…the old window frame…the painting of Kyle in the hall…my new record player…But creating a peaceful home isn’t just about the lovely things you put in it. It’s about cleanliness and organization – nothing like a sparkling stainless steel sink or a dust-free bookshelf to make me smile! But I think really, a peaceful home is mostly about the love with which you keep your home and the people in it.



What about you? What helps make your home feel peaceful?


Unknown said...

I love the carnations in bottles. So cute. My home feels the most peaceful when I'm reading in bed with my cat lying on my belly. Or when my husband and I are just doing chores, but I know he's close by. Music too.

Janet @ Made For This said...

Peaceful means quiet, no television. Lots of books and knitting. Reading aloud. A soft puppy. Order and cleanliness. Beautiful colors. Things that remind me of those I love. Cozy quilts and blankets. Coffee and comfort food. Always making sure that those I love who are in the house KNOW that my heart is theirs. My chair - my "safe"place. The strong Tower that is my Lord Jesus, most of all.

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