She Loves Me...
1. This cover of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" where all five members of Walk Off the Earth play the same guitar. So clever and different! Thank you to my baby brother for introducing me...
2. This book. Sarah told me I would love it and she was right. I'm only a couple chapters in but I am so completely hooked. I was literally laughing out loud reading in the DMV (which is basically the highest praise I can bestow).
3. Sarah Kay. This woman is seriously so amazing that if you want to skip reading the rest of this post and go watch her perform the poem that made me cry and laugh and want to call my mother, go here. I will not even be offended - THAT'S how much I love Sarah Kay. I know the video is 18 minutes. It is SO worth your time. I promise.
4. Cover Girl Lip Perfection in Enchantress. This color makes me feel like I am wearing spring on my face. What? You haven't experienced spring on your face? Buy this lipstick and you will.
5. Also, this forecast. This is kind the best thing ever. I am a sunbaby.
She Loves Me Not...
1. When you are in such a rush at the grocery store that you don't realize you bought large breed dog food for your eensy-beensy pomeranian. And then you're in such a rush you rip the package open nd pour it into the Rubbermaid before you realize your mistake. The St. Bernard on the bag should probably have tipped me off.
2. Gas prices.
3. This kind of crap on Pinterest. Love your body - feed it good things like balanced meals and exercise and positive, loving thoughts. Staring at pictures of drug addict super models will not make you more beautiful. It'll only fuel hurt and disrespect for yourself. Seriously. This glorification of the absurdly thin is getting on my nerves.
Thanks, Michaela, for this awesome link party! Go here to link-up, too...
love, elizabeth
That is so true of the gas prices!! It's getting really out of hand (as if it wasn't before). Something needs to be done!
yeahhhh.. the gas prices are sort of evil right now.
I am definitely not liking has prices either..I've been trying to take the metro/subway when i can!
thanks for sharing, love the video!
I hate that thinspo crap too! Glad you mentioned it.
I can't handle gas prices right now either! That pink lipstick is so darling. Thanks for linking up!!
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